Black Group Landscape & Construction
Landscaping around a pre-existing property presents challenges.
Landscaping around a pre-existing property presents challenges.
Jones Landscapes has a passion for creating the perfect outdoor spaces for its clients, going above and beyond to turn dreams into reality.
Loka Landscapes specialises in full garden transformations, as well as minor landscape constructions.
Now with more than a decade of experience under his belt, Director James Seyffer’s love and passion for gardens began at Melbourne University’s Burnley campus in 2006.
Based in Victoria’s south-east with its services taking the team right across Melbourne,
This unique project from Alchemy Landscaping evokes a distinctly Mediterranean feel and stands proudly in the middle of Brighton with its stunning sandstone paving, recycled redgum pergola and 30-year-old olive tree that was craned into position to sit elegantly beside the swimming pool.